Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Religious following built upon deception

The extraordinary ministry that God used William Branham in which resulted in many thousands of converts to Christianity, salvation to eternal life and bodily healings unfortunately ended in a movement that was built upon deceptive practices because of the overwhelming desire to do more for God than what was God’s intent for him to accomplish.

Most of what I have witnessed can be contributed to the influence of those men who were in the inner circle of William Branham’s friends who were determined to promote him as the source of the only true interpretation of Bible Scriptures. It was apparent that William Branham was complicit in this promotion on his part because of the influence of his closest friends.

The complicity occurred because of his use of certain innuendos threaded throughout his sermons which convinced the people to believe that he was the fulfillment of enough bible prophesies and scripture to convince them that his messages were the final and end time truth of God’s plan.

Some of these concepts that were promoted was that he was the Elijah that was to come to return the hearts of the children back to their apostolic fathers and to restore all things in the end of the Gentile age. William Branham couldn’t have been the one to come in the spirit of Elijah because he was the complete opposite of the character of Elijah during Elijah’s ministry.

  Other things that were promoted were; the promotion of his last name being changed from Branam to Branham just as Abram was changed to Abraham by God because of his calling. This name change was promoted to somehow vindicate his ministry as a prophet. In reality, his last name was never changed. His last name had always been Branham, as well as his Father's and his Grandfather's. This was nothing except a complete fabrication used to present him to be someone special like Abraham.

  Then there was the promotion of William Branham being the seventh church age messenger and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Then the promotion of his gift of the word of knowledge to support his healing ministry being the Messianic sign that was supposed to be evident before the Lord’s return. John the baptist was still alive on the Earth at the first coming of Christ, but William Branham is gone and the Lord hasn’t returned yet.

  Only one more of many things I could comment on was when he cut out a part of his seventh seal message that was on tape and recorded a portion of it over in a motel room because he was afraid that the original message that he preached under inspiration would cause many of his followers to leave him.

  All through his self commissioned teaching ministry William Branham pointed to the supernatural signs that God had given him saying that they were vindication of the truth of his teaching doctrine. Well, these gifts that were in operation during his ministry were to support his healing ministry only, but were promoted to be a vindication of everything that he preached about and not as vindication that his teaching was correct. 

William Branham thought he knew why God had given him those two signs. Here is what he said: “There's the new ministry. It's just been revealed to me. "Pray for the sick. Get the people to believe you. God can never leave that". That's His commission; he said: "no matter what goes on, how much I fail. I fail miserably. I should've never went ahead with them signs; that wasn't the will of God”. Those signs were to vindicate his calling to “pray for the sick” and not to vindicate his doctrinal teaching, but he allowed the people to believe that they did.

 So that is what it was all about. Everything that occurred was to promote whatever had to be done to insure that the people would accept his teaching as the true interpretation of God’s Word and know because of their acceptance of him as a prophet, whatever he preached about had to be the complete truth of God’s Word and they couldn’t find the truth anywhere else.

 That’s all about control over the people and is evident to those who are not blind or deaf that God probably wasn't in it.


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